I am a poor college student so I need money. Which is why I opened commissions. Tips are welcome and price is negociable within reason.

Will do Won't do

Humans, anthro/furry, feral/animal, fantasy creatures/races

Mech/complex designs (with reference)

Gore/violence and NSFW

Overly complex environments

Hateful, bigoted, evil evil art

Anything I feel uncomfortable with

My pricing is at a baseline of 15€/hour. I work very quickly and usually spend 1-2 hours on simple pieces (15-30€) and have completed my most complex pieces in under 8 hours (120€). If you give me a price range and I go beyond what you agreed for I will not charge you more.


Censored images contain blood or gore. Contact me on Discord for full/more images.

Simple/no shading

20min - 1hr (5-15€)

Click to view image

Click to view image

Click to view image


1hr30min - 2hrs30min (22-37€)

Click to view image

Complex pieces

3hrs - 6hrs (45€ - 90€)

Pixel art

20min - 1hr (5-15€)

NB: In most cases, I will not agree to work long-term on any full project.

Payment will be done through Paypal. We will agree on a price range before I start working on your commission, and I will determine and ask for a finalized price once I am done with it, before sending the final version to you.

You are allowed to use your commissionned work for anything except hatespeech or violence. If you use my artwork publicly, I ask that you credit me by linking back to my page, blue-miaou.neocities.org.

I will ask you if I can repost your commission publicly. If I forget, feel free to tell me yourself if you mind or not.

To commission me, contact me on Discord. My discord is bluemiaou.