Hi there! I'm Olivia. You can call me Oli, Vi, whatever else you can come up with, I don't mind! I'm a social alter in the system. My favorite season is summer, my favorite color is yellow, I like wearing dresses and going to the beach or the pool. I also like calm manual activities, and I like doing things for our friends! Making bracelets, sewing clothes for our toys, crafting things, etc.

I'm usually a bubbly, jovial person and will always keep my spirits up. I like to think I'm an optimist. I only cry rarely and usually front to keep us from crying in public.

I progressively front less and less but I do still like popping up from time to time! I also usually go dormant/front a lot less during the winter.

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Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness.

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